Thursday, November 12, 2009

My "To-Do" List

I have quite the "To-Do" list forming in my head these days. It's more of a "Wanna-Do" list, really... but I'm planning to tick away at it over the coming weeks (possibly months). In no particular order:

  1. Set up a composting plan (and learn more about worm composting...)
  2. Research and "road test" more natural skin care products
  3. Make an earnest effort to find good local wine (Stop laughing, Dad)
  4. Figure out the difference between "Free Trade" and "Fair Trade" (is there one?) and any other descriptors I need to consider for buying coffee... must. have. coffee.
  5. Trying making butter and cheese (Cheese has been on my list since, um... April)
  6. Research the possibilities of finding/starting a community garden
  7. The Great Chicken Plan... oh, yes...
That should keep me busy! 

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